Constitution of The Residential Property Managers Association of New Zealand Incorporated.


Rules of the Residential Property Managers Association of New Zealand Incorporated

Mission Statement

The Residential Property Managers Association is committed to setting higher standards in residential property management. Our mission is to deliver to members, clients, and tenants by:

  • Raising industry standards through innovation, education, communication, and sharing best practice advice from trusted, and experienced operators.
  • Instilling confidence by promoting fairness with our robust code of ethics, membership rules, common sense public advocacy, and advancing a culture that encourages continuing professional growth and development.
  • Celebrating excellence, recognising hard work, and providing a modern toolbox to ensure property managers are equipped for the unique challenges they face.
  1. Constitution and Name
    1. The constitution and name of the Society is the ‘Residential Property Managers Association of New Zealand Incorporated’, hereinafter called the ‘RPMA’, and is constituted by resolution dated 30 August 2021.
  2. Objects
    1. To achieve fulfilment of the mission statement the objects of the RPMA shall be to:
      1. Provide a foundation for a national management structure which will give effect to the mission statement and the objects.
        To establish and maintain a Management Committee (Council) of six elected members that shall administer, manage, and control the Society.
        Protect and promote the interests of the Residential Property Managers Association of New Zealand and the interests of the public in relation to matters pertaining to residential property management and related subjects.
        Promote and encourage ethical conduct among the Members and other property managers.
        Provide a means for dealing with complaints against Members including the establishment of appropriate disciplinary procedures. Provide ongoing educational opportunities and support to Members.
        Consider, promote and lobby for amendments to laws pertaining to property management and related subjects and to initiate and lobby for law reform to meet the continuing change in the property industry, and produce efficiency and effective outcomes to benefit Members and the public.
        Encourage networking among Members in order to enhance the business of Members and their professional standing in the community.
      2. Make regulations to advance the attainment of any of the above objects.
      3. Do any act or thing incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the above objects
    2. Notwithstanding any other provision, RPMA shall not expend any money;
      1. Other than to further purposes recognised by law, nor
      2. For the sole personal or individual benefit of any Member.
  3. Powers
    1. In addition to its statutory powers, RPMA may:
      1. Use such of its funds to pay the cost and expenses of furthering or carrying out its objects, and for that purpose may employ such people or organisation as may seem expedient, and
      2. Exercise all the powers a committee member might exercise, and
      3. Invest in any investment in which a committee member might invest.
  4. Membership
    1. The classes of membership and the method by which Members are admitted to different classes are as follows:
      1. Trainee Membership
        This membership would be for the duration of completing the NZ Certificate in Residential Property Management and/or other educational courses. Trainees shall have all the rights of Affiliate membership except the right to vote, hold office or serve as a committee chair. Trainee members are expected to complete CPD.
      2. Affiliate Membership
        An Individual Member is a member of RPMA admitted under Rule 5.0 who has not ceased to be a Member under Rules 6.1 or 7.0. Affiliate members are expected to complete CPD.
      3. Member – Qualified Residential Property Manager (QRPM)
        A full member must obtain a NZ Certificate of Residential Property Management (or equivalent) & complete the RPMA Ethics module . They also need to have completed a minimum of 10 CPD points in the years immediately prior to application and who has not ceased to be a Member under Rules 6.1 or 7.0. This level of membership has with it post nominals (QRPM) for Qualified Residential Property Manager.
      4. Senior Member – Senior Residential Property Manager (SRPM)
        To be eligible to apply for senior membership you must meet the following criteria:
        Have been a member (QRPM) of RPMA for at least three years;
        Have three referees (at least two of these are full members);
        Applicants will be interviewed to demonstrate that he/she has relevant experience and knowledge. Once approved an application this will then be submitted to the RPMA Council for approval. This level of membership has with it post nominals (SRPM) for Senior Residential Property Managers.
      5. Fellow of RPMA (FRPMA)
        Fellow (FRPMA) status is discretionary, awarded by the RPMA Council to Members with ten or more years' current, relevant experience in residential property management and who can specifically demonstrate that they have made a significant contribution to the development of the sector over and above that made to their own business or employer.
    2. Individual and Associate Members shall advise the Administrator of any change of address, email or telephone number.
    3. The Administrator shall keep a membership register of Individual and Associate Members recording their names, addresses, email and telephone numbers.
    4. All Members (and Council Members) shall promote the interests and the objects of RPMA and shall do nothing to bring RPMA into disrepute.
  5. Admission of Membership
    1. A Property Manager is defined as any person undertaking duties of a residential property manager.
    2. Membership shall be open to all Property Managers, who who comply with the RPMA’s Code of Practice, who subscribe to the Objects and Code of Ethics and pay the prescribed fees.
    3. No restrictions shall be imposed on any prospective Member by virtue of their age, colour, disability, employment status, ethical beliefs, ethnic or national origins, family status, marital status, political opinions, race, religious beliefs, sex and sexual orientation.
    4. Applicants for membership as an Individual and/or Affiliate Members shall complete an application form provided (and supply such information as required by the Council).
    5. Membership applications shall be considered by the Council.
    6. The Council shall have complete discretion whether or not to admit a membership applicant, and shall advise the applicant of its decision, and that decision shall be final. A reason may not be given.
    7. The Council may from time to time, in its absolute discretion, transfer members between classes of Individual and Affiliate Member, and any such decision is final.
  6. Subscriptions
    1. The annual subscription shall be at such a rate as the Council may determine from time to time, subject to confirmation by a General Meeting. Any Member failing to pay the annual subscription within one calendar month of the date the same was set shall be considered as un financial and shall (without being released from the obligation of payment) have no membership rights and shall not be entitled to participate in any RPMA activity, claim RPMA membership or use the RPMA’s logos etc until all the arrears are paid in full.
    2. If the annual subscription remains unpaid for three calendar months of the date fees were due, a full membership re-application will be required.
  7. Cessation of Membership
    1. Any Member may resign from RPMA at any time upon notice in writing and payment by that Member of all levies or other monies legally due to RPMA.
    2. The Council may declare that a Member is no longer a Member (from the date of that declaration or such date as may be specified) if that Member is convicted of any indictable offence or offence for which a convicted person may be imprisoned, is adjudged bankrupt, makes a composition with creditors.
    3. As a result of a complaints procedure investigation.
    4. A Member whose membership is terminated under Rule 7.1, 7.2 or 7.3 shall remain liable to pay all subscriptions and levies due to the end of RPMA’s financial year.
  8. Re-admission of former Members
    Any former Member may apply for re-admission in the manner prescribed for new applicants, but if the former Member’s membership was terminated under either Rule 7.2 or 7.3 the applicant shall not be readmitted without the approval of the General Meeting.
  9. Election of Officers and Executive
    1. Nominations
      1. Nominations for the election of Council Members will be requested from members, at least one month prior to the annual general meeting.
      2. Nominations of Council Members will be in writing and signed by two (2) members. The consent of the nominee will be endorsed on the nomination.
    2. Election of Council Members
      1. Council Members will be elected for a period of 2 years.
      2. At every annual general meeting three elected members of the Council will retire on rotation based on the year of election. Council Members may offer themselves for re-election.
      3. The inaugural Council will have 3 members elected for one (1) year and 3 members elected for a two (2) year period. The Inaugural Council will decide which members will have a one (1) year term.
    3. Vacancies
      1. Elected and appointed Council Members will cease to hold office if: (i) they resign in writing; (ii) they are absent from three consecutive meetings of the Council without the consent of the Council; (iii) they become bankrupt or insolvent; (iv) they die or become of unsound mind; (v) their subscription or levies are overdue for more than three (3) months; (vii) they are convicted of an offence either punishable by imprisonment for three (3) months or more, or, relating to the promotion, formation or management of a company which would disqualify them from being a director of a company; (viii) they are removed or cease to hold office pursuant to these Bylaws.
      2. Appointed Council members will cease to hold office when they are removed by the Council.
      3. The Council may appoint any Member, as the case may be, to fill any casual vacancy arising from time to time. This appointment will be in place to the next RPMA AGM.
      4. The immediate past Chairperson shall ex officio be a member of the committee for a maximum of two (2) years.
    4. Proceedings of Council
      Council Members may meet together for the dispatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings as they think fit. The quorum necessary for the transaction of business by a Council will be a majority of the Council Members for the time being. No business will be transacted if a quorum is not present. A Council Member may, at any time, by any means of communication summon a meeting of the Council of which he/she is a Member.
    5. Voting
      Questions rising at any meeting of a Council will be decided by a majority of votes. In the case of an equality of votes the chair of the meeting will have a second or casting vote. Each Council Member will be entitled to vote on all questions arising at any meeting of the Council.
    6. Chair
      1. Each Council will elect a Chairperson, a Deputy Chairperson, and Treasurer at the Council Meeting following the annual general meeting to hold office for a term of one (1) year. The Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson may be re-elected in successive years and remain in office for up to a maximum of three (3) years and four (4) years respectively. In the event of a vacancy arising for any reason, the Council Committee may elect a successor.
  10. Management by the Council
    1. From the end of each Annual General Meeting until the end of the next, RPMA shall be administered, managed and controlled by the Council, which shall be accountable to all the Members for the implementation of the policies of RPMA as approved by any General Meeting.
    2. Subject to this Constitution and to any directions of a General Meeting the Council may exercise all the RPMA’s powers, other than those required by statute or by these Rules to be exercised by RPMA in General Meeting.
    3. The Council shall meet at such time and places and in such a manner as it may determine, and otherwise where and as convened by the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson.
    4. All Council meetings shall be chaired by the Chairperson or in the Chairperson’s absence by some other Council Member elected for the purpose by the meeting, and any such Chairperson shall have a deliberative and casting vote.
    5. The Council may co-opt any Individual member to the Council for a specific purpose, or for a limited time, or generally until the next Annual General meeting. A maximum of three (3) members can be co-opted in any period between Annual General Meetings.
    6. The quorum at Council meetings shall be one-half of the Council Committee.
    7. n/a
    8. The Council may appoint subcommittees consisting of such persons as it thinks fit and with or without power to co-opt, but such subcommittees shall have no power to commit RPMA to any financial expenditure without the express authority by resolution of the Council.
    9. The Council and any subcommittee may act by resolution approved by not less than four members of the Council and subcommittee in the course of an online meeting call or through a written or e-mailed ballot.
    10. The Council may from time to time make regulations for the conduct and control of Society activities.
    11. The Chairperson shall, in addition to all other duties described in these Rules, generally oversee and direct the affairs and business of RPMA.
    12. Other than as prescribed by the statute or these Rules, the Council may regulate its proceedings as it thinks fit.
    13. Subject to statute, these Rules and the resolutions of General Meetings, the decisions of the Council on the interpretation of these Rules, and all matters dealt with by it in accordance with these Rules, and on matters not provided for in these Rules shall be final and binding on all Members.
    14. Each Council Committee Member shall within one calendar month of submitting a resignation or ceasing to hold office deliver to that Member’s successor all books, papers and other property of RPMA possessed by such former Member.
    15. The Council will have the power to employ or appoint a person for duties on behalf of council.
  11. Administrator
    1. The Administrator shall record the minutes of all General Meetings and Council meetings, and all such minutes, when confirmed by the next such meeting and signed by the Chairperson of the meeting, shall be prima facie evidence that that meeting was duly called and shall prima facie be a true and correct record of what occurred at that meeting.
    2. The Administrator shall hold RPMA’s records, documents and books.
    3. The Administrator shall deal with and answer correspondence and perform such other duties as directed by the Council. 11.4 The Administrator may be employed from outside the Association Membership.
  12. Registered Office
    1. The Registered Office of RPMA shall be at such place as the Council from time to time determines.
  13. Finance
    1. The Treasurer shall keep such books of account as may be necessary to provide a true record of the RPMA’s financial position, report on the RPMA’s financial position to each Council meeting, and present an Annual Statement of Accounts (Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet) to the Annual General Meeting.
    2. The Council shall maintain bank accounts in the name of RPMA, and bank withdrawals authorised by the Treasurer and one other designated member of the Council.
    3. All monies received on account of RPMA shall be banked within seven days of receipt.
    4. All accounts paid or for payment shall be submitted to the Council for approval of payment.
    5. RPMA’s financial year shall commence on the 1 April each year and end on 31 March the following year.
    6. The Annual General Meeting each year may appoint an auditor (who is a member of the New Zealand Society of Accountants and not a Member of RPMA) to audit the annual accounts of RPMA ,and provide a certificate of correctness of the same, and if any such auditor is unable to act the Council shall appoint a replacement auditor.
  14. Execution of Documents
    1. The Common Seal of the society shall be retained by the Administrator.
    2. Documents shall be executed for the Association pursuant to a resolution of the Council:
      1. By affixing the Common Seal, if any, witnessed by any one of the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson or Secretary and some other member of the Council, or
      2. By any one of the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson or Secretary and some other member of the Council signing on behalf of the Association.
  15. General Meetings
    1. An Annual General Meeting to be held in August each year at a time and place fixed by the Council. Such meetings can be held face to face or electronically (online). Notice of the date, time and location of the Annual General Meeting must be communicated with the membership sixty (60) prior to the AGM date.
    2. Special General Meetings may be called by the Council, or by written requisition to the Administrator by not less than quarter of the financial Members. Such meetings can be held face to face or electronically (online).
    3. At least 14 days before any General meeting the Administrator shall forward to all Individual and Affiliate members written notice of business to be conducted at the General Meeting, (including in the case of the Annual General Meeting copies of the Annual Report, Statement of Accounts, and list of and information about nominees, and notice of any motions and the Executive’s recommendations in respect thereof under Rule 15.9.), and the failure for any reason of any Member to receive such notice shall not invalidate the meetings or its proceedings.
    4. There is one vote per financial member.
    5. Voting by Voting members at the meeting will be by a show of hands or by voice vote or by secret ballot, as the Chairperson may determine. In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands, voice vote or a poll, the status quo shall prevail. In the case of a ballot a 2 scrutineers will be appointed by the Chairperson to count the votes and report back to the meeting.
    6. A Voting Member may exercise the right to vote by being present or by being represented by a proxy. A proxy is for a Voting Member entitled to attend and be heard at a meeting of Members as if the proxy were the Voting Member. A proxy must be appointed by a notice in writing, signed by the Voting Member and designated for a specified term. A proxy must be a current financial Member.
    7. The quorum at General Meetings shall be twenty financial members or one-sixth of the financial membership, whichever is the smaller.
    8. All General Meetings shall be chaired by the Chairperson, or in the Chairperson’s absence, by some other Council member elected for the purpose by the meeting, and any such Chairperson shall have a deliberative and casting vote.
    9. Any Member wishing to give notice of any motion for consideration at any General Meeting shall forward written notice of the same to the Administrator not less than 28 days before the date for the meetings. The Council may consider all such notices of motion and provide recommendations to Members in respect thereof.
    10. If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes of the advertised starting time of the meeting, the meeting shall lapse. An informal meeting may still be held. However any business transacted will need to be ratified by a formal meeting held later.
  16. Alteration of Rules
    1. These Rules may be amended or replaced by resolution of any General Meeting passed by a two-thirds majority or those Individual Members present and voting.
    2. Any proposed motion to amend or replace these Rules shall be signed by at least 5 Members and given in writing to the Administrator at least 28 clear days before the General Meeting at which the motion is to be considered, and accompanied by a written explanation of the reasons for the proposal.
    3. At least 14 days before the General Meeting, at which any such proposal is to be considered ,the Administrator shall post or email written notice of the proposed motion, of the reasons for the proposal, and any recommendations form the Council in respect thereof to all Members.
  17. Professionalism and Skill
    1. Members must at all times carry out their professional services to the best to their knowledge and ability, and always in accordance with proper professional standards and practice at the time.
    2. Members must observe at all times the requirements of the Residential Tenancy Act.
  18. Winding Up
    1. RPMA must be liquidated up if RPMA, at a General Meeting of its Members, passes a Special Resolution appointing a liquidator and requiring RPMA to be liquidated and this resolution is confirmed by further Special Resolution at a subsequent General Meeting called for that purpose and held not earlier than thirty (30) days after the date on which the resolution so to be confirmed is passed.
    2. If upon winding-up or dissolution of RPMA there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the property shall not be paid to or distributed among the Members of RPMA but shall be given or transferred to The Property Institute of New Zealand Incorporated.
    3. However, on winding up by resolution under this rule, RPMA may approve a different distribution to a different entity from that specified above, so long as RPMA complies with these Rules in all other aspects.

Code of Ethics

The primary obligation of membership of the Residential Property Managers Association of New Zealand is the ethical practice of property management. This code sets out the ethics that guide the decisions and actions of Members.
  1. At all times members of RPMA will act with professionalism, honesty and integrity, ensuring their actions do not bring the profession into ill repute.
  2. Members will adhere to the ethics of RPMA.
  3. Members shall avoid deceptive practices.
  4. Members will avoid and/or disclose any conflicts of interest to clients.
  5. Members shall provide professional, independent and objective advice to clients at all times, and not be impacted or affected by external influences.
  6. Members shall respect the confidentiality of clients and tenants at all times and adhere to all privacy requirements set out under the Privacy Act 2020.
  7. Members shall ensure that all clients have a good understanding of services provided prior to accepting contracts.
  8. Members shall comply with the Human Rights Act 1993, and not discriminate on grounds of colour, race, nationality, religion, ethical beliefs, political opinion, gender, marital status, family status, employment status, disability, age or sexual orientation or chosen identity.
  9. Members shall assist with any complaint brought against them.
  10. Members will abide by the RPMA Best Practice Duties of a Residential Property Manager.

Best Practice Duties:
Role and duties of a property manager

RPMA has formulated a set of best practice industry standards for the benefit of all property managers.
Roles and Duties Property Managers Should:
  1. Adhere to the Residential Tenancies Act and all relevant legislation.
  2. Carry out the terms of the management documents with reasonable skill and diligence.
  3. Outline their qualifications, skills and experience so that the owner is in no doubt what they possess.
  4. Engage suitably qualified professionals to evaluate and undertake work on the property where necessary.
  5. Prepare rental assessments on a sound market basis with a current and accurate representation of the rental market.
  6. Advertise for tenants, conduct background and previous landlord checks and credit checks on successful applicants selecting the best applicant on merit, demonstrating no discriminatory practices or decisions in line with the Human Rights Act.
  7. Conduct inspections at the tenancy premises on or about the date that it is due to be inspected. The inspection should be recorded in some way which is accurate, permanent and includes all necessary areas of the property. A copy of the inspection is to be sent to the client In line with the management documents.
  8. Use best endeavours to keep the property owner fully informed of any issues relating to the effective running of the management of their property.
  9. Take all reasonable steps to obtain the best pricing and options for repairs and maintenance. Be prudent in the selection of contractors engaged to carry out work on the property and ensure compliance with relevant health & safety legislation.
  10. Possess and implement a rent arrears mitigation protocol which is in writing. It is also shown and explained to prospective tenants and owners.
  11. Act swiftly to implement procedures to remedy any rent arrears and make application to the Tenancy Tribunal in a timely manner where the need arises and resolution has not been possible by negotiation.
  12. Ensure that client monies held are at all times held in a designated Rent Account held in Trust. Account to the client for rental monies collected in a manner consistent with the management documents.
  13. Personally escort viewings of the property with prospective tenants.
  14. Market the rental property on their company website or a third-party website or platform.
  15. Prepare a highly detailed and accurate commencement property condition report.
  16. Collect, bank and process all payments by tenants.
  17. Lodge the Bond with Tenancy Services within the required timeframe.
  18. Perform a highly detailed and thorough Vacating Property Condition Report.
  19. Release or process the tenants Bond after approval of the vacating inspection at the property in a timely manner.
  20. Undertake regular rent reviews based on current market comparable figures.
  21. Electronically bank the rent collected into the nominated account as agreed in management documents, and provide a fully detailed statement accounting for all such money and transactions


Any advertisement by a Member must not reflect adversely on the professional integrity of RPMA or its Members.

In certain circumstances, RPMA allows firms employing RPMA members to display a separately defined logo having first entered into a written agreement with the RPMA.

Reference to the Association

No member of members shall purport to represent the views of RPMA unless expressly authorised to do so.

End of Membership
  1. Serious breaches of management practices or the Residential Tenancies Act may result in revoking of membership.
  2. Any serious or continual breach will be reviewed by the committee whose decision will be binding.

Complaints Procedure

Issues between a property manager and their client can unfortunately occur from time to time. These are often issues around communication or expectations. If members clients have received unsatisfactory service from a RPMA member or they have acted in an unprofessional or unethical manner which is in breach of the RPMA code of ethics, they can submit a formal complaint to RPMA.

Anyone can make a complaint to RPMA. If the person who wishes to lodge a complaint is unable to do this themselves (e.g. they would find the process too stressful or would have difficulty articulating the complaint), a family member or other support person can act on their behalf as long as this is indicated as part of the complaint and authorisation is given to RPMA to communicate with the support person on behalf of the complainant.

The RPMA complaints process enables complaints to be raised about RPMA members with the objective of ensuring that professional standards are maintained and the RPMA code of ethics is adhered to.

RPMA will make available the RPMA Complaints Procedure on their website. All complaints should be made in writing, preferably electronically to

Complaints Board

The complaints board is made up of three members – two RPMA members or retired members and one independent member. One of the RPMA members will be appointed as chair of the complaints board. The role of the complaints board is to investigate complaints about alleged breaches of the RPMA code of ethics. In investigating the complaint, the complaints board may make any such investigations or request any evidence that they require in order to reach a decision. The RPMA appeal board is made up of four members – two RPMA members or retired members, one independent member and one legal professional.

Complaint outcomes

If the complaints board determines that there has been a breach of the RPMA code of ethics there are a number of outcomes, remedies and sanctions available to the complaints board, depending on the nature and severity of the transgression. These include: • Complaint dismissal – no further action • Complaint dismissal – guidance to complainant for referring the complaint elsewhere • Complaint upheld – requirement that the member makes an apology to the complainant • Complaint upheld – requirement that the member undertakes specific training or continuing professional development • Complaint upheld – warning and/or reprimand to the member • Complaint upheld – downgrade of member status • Complaint upheld – suspension of the member until the identified deficiencies have been resolved • Complaint upheld – cancellation of membership.

Appeal Board

The appeal board is independent of the complaints investigation process and no appeal board member shall have had any involvement in the investigation of a complaint. Appeals can only be heard on the following grounds: • The proper procedures have not been followed; • There is new evidence of sufficient substance that affects the decision; • Evidence provided to the complaints board has been misinterpreted to the extent it has affected the decision; • The decision is against the weight of evidence; • It is in the interests of natural justice that the matter be reheard.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Continuing professional development (CPD) is essential for the maintenance and enhancement of your professional skills. Becoming a member of the RPMA shows that you meet our initial competence requirements. To remain a member you must continue learning and developing your knowledge throughout your career.

Your CPD should include:

  • technical knowledge and its application
  • skills and expertise
  • changes to legislation and regulation in your area of work
Annual CPD requirement

All RPMA members are expected to carry out and record a minimum of 10 hours CPD every year. Your annual CPD record must be completed every twelve months on the membership anniversary.

Your 10 hours of CPD activities should be divided up as detailed below.

  • Legislation & administration training
  • minimum five hours must be formal learning – webinars, workshops, conferences, courses, seminars, structured in-house training, etc.
  • coaching, motivating, leadership, presentation, personal computing, dealing with difficult customers, etc.
  • up to two hours can be informal learning – personal study, revision, reading journals, etc.
Recording your CPD

You are required to record all of your CPD activity. For each activity, you should also reflect on what you have learnt and how that learning will benefit you in the future.

Any CPD activity you record should be relevant to your current role and any changes you anticipate happening.

Reading may be counted as formal learning only when the reading matter is specific, such as for exam revision. Whenever you record reading as formal learning, you must either list the title and author of the publication, or list the qualification gained through your reading and learning.

When recording your attendance at events, the RPMA will accept no more than five hours CPD for a full- day course and three hours for a half-day course, excluding breaks and lunches. You must also provide proof of attendance.

As an RPMA member, you are expected to always meet any internal CPD requirements set by your own employer or firm. If set higher, your firm’s CPD requirements will take precedence over RPMA requirements.

Please also note that RPMA CPD requirements may alter in line with:

  • changes made by regulators to legislation/regulation within the property management industry
  • changes set and determined by the RPMA Council
What doesn’t count towards CPD

The following activities cannot count towards your annual 10 hours CPD:

  • appraisals/one-to-ones/performance reviews
  • meetings where no measurable learning has taken place
  • learning not relevant to property management
  • activities that are part of your job role, rather than directed learning
  • social events
CPD Audit

Each year we inspect a random sample of members’ CPD records. As part of our inspection, we may request evidence of your formal CPD activity.

If you are a member of another professional organisation who require CPD activity, where relevant you can also use that learning for your RPMA record. We may ask you for a copy of CPD records you have submitted to other organisations.

Failure to complete your CPD

If you fail to meet the RPMA CPD requirements, we may impose any of the following sanctions:

  • written warning
  • personal development plan
  • suspension of your membership until you meet our CPD requirements
CPD reductions and concessions

Members on maternity, paternity or adoption leave or on sabbatical are required to log half the standard CPD requirement, that is 5 hours per year.

Other concessions or reductions to individual CPD requirements may be granted on a discretionary basis.

If you are on statutory leave for more than three months, you can request a reduced annual CPD target based on the number of months you have been off work. Concession requests are considered on a case- by-case basis and the RPMI will let you know whether your request has been approved.

There can be no pro rata arrangements for unemployed or part-time employed members. Retired members are exempt from meeting the RPMA CPD requirements.